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Recommended Tattoo Artists/ Studios 紋身師/ 店鋪推介

Posted by MakGabriel on

Recommended Tattoo Artists/ Studios 紋身師/ 店鋪推介

ABBP 認證紋身師 ABBP CERTIFIED ARTISTS  關於人體藝術美麗之處,在於其多姿多彩的表達方式。在歐美地區,紋身刺青、穿環、各種紋繡如紋眉、紋唇、半永久化妝等等,廣泛被稱為「人體藝術」(body modification)。在亞洲地區,隨著人體藝術愈來愈普及,隨之而來的健康風險亦不容忽視。「ABBP 亞洲人體藝術衛生管理課程」是亞洲人體藝術教育學院(Asia Tattoo and Piercing Education)提供的眾多專業培訓之一。課程由理念一致的本地及海外專業團隊所設計,成員背景包括香港註冊醫生、香港註冊防疫控感染專職護士、社區醫學與衛生管理專員,以及經驗豐富的職業紋身師及穿環師。ABBP 衛生認證ABBP 會向所有通過考試的人體藝術從業員頒發「ABBP 衛生認證」,以證明從業員的工作場所符合專業衛生及安全標準。   ABOUTBody art is beautiful because it embodies self-expression in so many ways. As body modification – tattooing, piercing, microblading, lip blushing and other forms of cosmetic tattooing – becomes more and more widely accepted in Asia, one should not overlook the potential health risks that come hand in hand with this aesthetic practice.ABBP is one of the many professional trainings offered by Asia Tattoo and Piercing Education. The course is created and run by an all-round team of experienced local and overseas body modification...

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Welcome to Meanique Tattoo Supply

Posted by MakGabriel on

Welcome to Meanique Tattoo Supply

                  Meanique Tattoo Supply Limited is a Hong Kong based tattoo supplies and products shop. Our products are 100% original from the manufacturer. We have been working on manufacturing the best tattoo needles and products. We believe there is a huge potential in tattoo industry in Hong Kong and we hope we can bring the best quality to every Hong Kong tattoo artist.  

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